Warwick Road Primary School

Exceeding Expectations


Year One - Classes Mercury and Venus


Hello and welcome to year 1! Year 1 comprises of classes Mercury and Venus. Mercury is the smallest and innermost planet in the Solar System. Its orbital period around the Sun is the shortest of all the planets. Venus is the second planet from the Sun. It has the longest rotation period of any planet in the Solar System and rotates in the opposite direction to most other planets.

Adults working in Year 1 are:

  • Mrs S Hussain - Mercury Class Teacher 
  • Miss F Shafi - Venus Class Teacher
  • Mrs N Mayet - ETA
  • Miss Hussain - SEND ETA 
  • Mrs Mahroof - SEND ETA

In Year 1, we enjoy working and learning together as one big friendly and enthusiastic family.  In our classroom, we have a safe space where we are all respected and free to express ourselves without judgement. Our children are very supportive of each other and continuously exceed expectations.  We have a growth mindset, are active learners and are always eager to try new things. We develop positive behaviour for learning through the use of 'Secrets of Success'.


  • Year 1 will continue to use the Howard Street gate as their entry and exit point- the school day will begin at 8.45am and finish at 3.15pm.
  • PE for Year 1 is on Wednesday. Please ensure your child comes into school wearing their PE kit on this day. It is important that your child does not come to school wearing jewellery or earrings on this day as they will not be able to participate.
  • We will assign homework via Mathletics and Bug Club.  Please ensure that you read with your child at home and that your child completes the comprehension quizzes after reading on Bug Club.
  • Books will be changed every Thursday. Please ensure book bags are brought in with their books to be changed and a signed reading record. 
  • Spellings are sent out half termly. These spellings will be sent to parents prior to the start of half-term. Spellings will be tested on a Friday. 


As well as following our school rules, year 1 have a set of class rules which we expect all children to follow. These include:

  • Always concentrate during lessons.
  • Always listen to adults and other children in the classroom.
  • No shouting out- raise your hand.
  • Keep hands and feet to yourselves.
  • Smile and have fun!

In year 1, as part of our behaviour policy, the children will begin each week on green and have the opportunity to move up to silver, then gold through hard work, great behaviour and outstanding achievements. If children reach gold by the end of the week, they will receive a prize from the prize box. Alternatively, if children are not doing their best in school and not following the rules they may be moved down to yellow or red.


We are very excited about our upcoming school trips in 2024/25 and have some amazing visits lined up...

During the first half-term, the children learn about 'Where in the world are we?' in their Geography lessons and will be taking a walk around the area to learn more about their locality. Then, in the second half-term, we will be going to see a pantomime at Lawrence Batley theatre!

Later on in the academic year, in science, the children will learn about animals, including humans and will go on an exciting visit to Knowsley Safari Park. The trip will enable children to further develop their knowledge and understanding of animals from different groups and identifying the group an animal belongs to.


Finally, in the last half-term, the children take a trip to the beach! Children will have the opportunity to paddle in the sea, have a picnic on the beach, build sandcastles and develop their team building skills by playing a range of fun beach games.  


There are many ways you can support your child at home. Here are some suggestions about how you could help:

  • Encourage your child to talk about what they have learnt at school.
  • Link learning to real life experiences- encourage them to write shopping lists, read signs around the environment, count out money etc.
  • Listen to your child reading– Please try to read on a daily basis with your child and ask them questions about what they have read.
  • Encourage your child to practise and learn their spellings– discuss spelling patterns or rules and watch our phonics videos on the Warwick Road YouTube page.
  • Talk about your child’s homework– discuss the work, ask your child to explain it to you and encourage them to work with increasing independence.

You may find some of these additional websites useful to support your child:


As part of the School Development Plan, based on data collected last year, we will be focussing specifically on the following targets in year one this year:

  1. To raise attainment in writing for girls
  2. To raise attainment at greater depth for girls in maths
  3. To raise attainment for all pupils in maths

  A number of interventions are already in place for pupils who require some additional support to boost their progress, such as;

- Phonics intervention
- One to one reading
- handwriting intervention

In addition to the above, same day maths interventions are in place where required.  These interventions are designed to address gaps immediately, allowing children to continue at the same pace as their peers.

 Autumn 1 Newsletter 2023.pdfDownload
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