Warwick Road Primary School

Exceeding Expectations


Tayyibah I (Y3) - I have enjoyed learning how different artefacts play an important part in each religion. Yahya D (Y5) - I enjoy R.E because I have learned about ways in which different religions worship different gods. Hawwa B (Y2) - I have learned the importance of respecting each religion. Musa W (YR) - I have enjoyed learning about different religious celebrations.

Religious Education

It is our aim that the Religious Education curriculum at Warwick Road School provides pupils with a broad understanding of Islam, Judaism and Christianity, other world faiths and non-religious beliefs, teaching pupils to articulate their personal beliefs and values, whilst respecting the rights of others. Through the balanced study of RE, we aim to nurture pupils’ social, moral, spiritual and cultural development and understanding of diversity.

What makes us successful theologians?

A theologian shows an interest in the beliefs of others and asks questions in a thoughtful and respectful way to deepen understanding.  They show an awareness that people may have different beliefs to themselves and have an ability to share their own views in a thoughtful way.  Pupils are aware that we live in a multicultural and multi-faith society; they have an understanding of the beliefs held by the variety of religions in this community including, Christianity, Judaism, Islam and Hinduism. Finally, they will have a tolerance of others that shows a respect and understand their role as a good citizen and the links between this and British Values.

How and what do we learn in RE?

As a school, we follow the Kirklees & Calderdale 2019 Agreed RE Syllabus.

In EYFS, children will encounter religions and other world views through special people, books, times, places and objects and by visiting places of worship. They will listen to and talk about stories from a range of different religions and world views. They will begin to learn to appreciate and value human beings, recognising and encountering diversity.

In Key Stage 1, teaching and learning is focused around Christianity and Islam, and teaches an understanding of non-religious approaches to life. Children will raise questions about beliefs and find out about questions of right and wrong and begin to respond with their own views.

In Key Stage 2, teaching and learning is extended to include Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Sikhism, and teaches an understanding of non-religious approaches to life. Children will discuss increasingly challenging questions about beliefs, values and human life, drawing on the insights of religions and other world views.

Subject LTP

During RE sessions, pupils will study the following topics:

Enhanced Curriculum Experiences

At Warwick Road School, we have strong links with the local schools and religious leaders.

We are building a school link with Carlinghow Academy; this will allow our pupils to build relationships with pupils from Batley who are a different background to themselves.  It will also help our children gain a sense of cultural identity, and allow our pupils to share their culture and heritage.
Furthermore, each year during Ramadhan, Cambridge Street High School visit our school to deliver an assembly to our KS1 and KS2 pupils.  

Parent Support

To assist you in better understanding the religions taught in Religious Education, we recommend using the resources available on the BBC Bitesize website.

Please visit the following link for valuable insights and materials: BBC Bitesize - Religious Education

Subject Policy 

Who leads the subject in school? Mrs Adam 

Who is the linked Gov? Razina Laher

Mrs Adam is our R.E leader. Please contact Mrs Adam if you would like to find out more about how we teach the R.E curriculum at Warwick Road Primary School.