Warwick Road Primary School

Exceeding Expectations


Reception - Classes Sun and Moon

Teacher welcome

Hello and welcome to Reception. Reception classes are Sun and Moon.

Adults working in Reception are:

  • Mr Ahmed - Class Sun Teacher - EYFS Leader 
  • Miss F Shafi - Class Moon Teacher
  • Mrs Gora - ETA
  • Miss Jasat - ETA
  • Miss Khan - ETA
  • Mrs Glover - SEND ETA
  • Mrs N Mayet - SEND ETA

The school day begins at 8:45 and finishes at 3:15.  

Reception doors will be open from 8:40 for you to spend ten minutes settling in your child and meeting with teachers each day.

Please ensure your children are dropped off and collected promptly.  Children often become distressed if they are frequently the last to be collected or remain behind for longer periods than their friends. YR children must be collected by a known adult (minimum age 16 years).

The Curriculum 

In Reception, we follow the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage. An abbreviated version of this can be seen on YR Parents’ noticeboard. The children learn through play and a variety of carpet inputs. 

“Play is the highest form of research.” Albert Einstein

Each area of learning is implemented through child initiated play with some adult led experiences. Children are encouraged to move freely around the YR unit (indoors and outdoors), using different areas of learning where they can select resources independently.  

The children will take part in a daily class input for phonics, literacy and mathematics. Children are then encouraged to use any newly learnt skills in the provision. In addition, the children will read twice a week and bring home 3 reading books. 2 books will be levelled at the children’s ability and 1 will be for parents to share with their child. 

If you have any concerns or successes you want to share, please let one of the staff know as soon as possible - don’t wait for parents evening. Privacy can be arranged if needed. We will also contact you if we have any concerns.


  • PE for Reception will be on a Tuesday please ensure your child has a labelled PE kit in school for this day.  It is important that your child does not come to school wearing jewellery or earrings on this day as they will not be able to participate.
  • Homework is sent home on a Wednesday and due back to school on Monday.
  • Reading books are changed twice a week, on Wednesday 2 banded books are sent home and on Fridays a story book is sent for you to share with your child.    Please return these books on the following Thursday with a note in your child reading record to receive new books. 


In EYFS, we use a visual representation of the behaviour policy so that the children are able to relate behavioural expectations to the symbols. The underlying theme of our strategies are based on positive reinforcement. This supports the children’s development, which in turn helps them to regulate and manage their own behaviour.


We aim for each child to achieve a good level of development at the end of Reception.

Please find a link to 'What to expect, when?' - a guidance booklet to your child's learning and development in the early years foundation stage can be found here.


This half term, Reception children will have the exciting opportunity to meet special people who help us in the community. These visits will help the children to broaden their knowledge of the world and people around us.


Parents can help by encouraging their children to be independent learners.

In Early Years, the children are taught to be explorers and to find new and different ways to learn and grow.  You can do this at home in a range of ways:

  • Asking your children, why? This will prompt your child to think and react and really begin to think for themselves. Give them time to think and then try, even if they are finding something difficult

Parents can help by reading with and to their children.

  • It is important that children are given the opportunity to use their newly learnt phonics knowledge by sounding out and blending words together, as this is the method of early reading.
  • Comprehension is important as the children will often read words but not understand what they have read, talk to your child about what has just happened.
  • Making predictions about what they think will happen is also helpful as the children are using their inference skills to support their decisions. Reading a story to your child also supports their listening and attention skills.

Parents can help by counting with your child, recognising numbers and using mathematical language.

Maths is all around us and you use it every day, you can help by encouraging your children to be more aware of it. A lot of early maths is just talking and relating it back to the child, making it relevant to them.

  • When you are counting money at the shop, measuring and weighing when cooking and comparing the sizes and lengths of everyday objects.
  • When counting ask your child to help you, do they know which number is next? If you add 1 more how many will there be?
 Development Matters 0-3, 3 & 4, Reception.pdfDownload
 Early Learning Goals.pdfDownload
 Parent Workshop - Evidence Me Observations.pptxDownload
 YR Timetable 2023.docxDownload
 YR-CURRICULUM-OVERVIEW 2023-24.docDownload
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