Warwick Road Primary School

Exceeding Expectations


Monitoring Attendance


The attendance registers are monitored weekly to see if any patterns of absence are emerging. A message will be sent to parents on the school app Parent Hub following a child's absence where no reason has been given. It is normal school procedure to telephone a child's home if absent from school and if we have concerns about any unauthorised absences.

Each week we check the attendance records of each class as well as the whole school. A chart is displayed in assembly for the pupils to see how well their class has attended. 

The Role of the Attendance & Pupil Support Officer (APSO)

We receive support from the Attendance & Pupil Support Officer (APSO) from Kirklees who visits the school regularly to monitor attendance. We are required to inform the APSO if there are any concerns about a child's attendance.

The school will refer children to the APSO if there are 10 or more unauthorised absences and/or if a Child's attendance level falls below 90% during a term. Once a child has been referred to the APSO, she will contact parents and arrange a meeting in order to discuss a sensible way forward to overcome any attendance difficulties.

If you have any concerns about your child's attendance, or would like more information please do not hesitate to contact the school.